Formatting of Table of Contents for documents

class disseminate.tags.toc.Toc(name, content, attributes, context)

Bases: disseminate.tags.tag.Tag

Table of contents and listings.


The contents are the label types to list. The following entries are supported:

  • document: list the document labels

  • heading : list heading labels

  • figure : list figure labels

  • table : list table labels

Additionally, the following modifiers have special meaning: - all : list labels from all documents - current : list labels from the current document (default)

  • expandedpertains to ‘all document’ and ‘all headings’.

    Show all label references for all documents.

  • abbreviatedpertains to ‘all document’ and ‘all headings’.

    show all label references for the current document and the top level heading for other documents.

  • collapsedpertains to ‘all document’ and ‘all headings’.

    show only the documents without headings. (default)


Get the labels, ordering function and labeling type.


The labels referenced by this TOC.

html_fmt(content=None, attributes=None, cache=None, format_func='html_fmt', method='html', level=1, **kwargs)

Convert the tag to an html string or html element.

contentOptional[Union[str, List[Union[str, list, Tag]]]

Specify an alternative content from the tag’s content. It can either be a string, a tag or a list of strings, tags and lists.

attributesOptional[Union[str, Attributes]]

Specify an alternative attributes dict from the tag’s attributes. It can either be a string or an attributes dict.


The format function to use with by formatted_content when formatting sub-tags.


The rendering method for the string. ex: ‘html’ or ‘xml’


The level of the tag.

htmlstr or html element

A string in HTML format or an HTML element (lxml.builder.E).

property reference_tags

This tag’s TocRef tag items.

tex_fmt(content=None, attributes=None, mathmode=False, level=1, **kwargs)

Format the tag in LaTeX format.

contentOptional[Union[str, List[Union[str, list, Tag]]]

Specify an alternative content from the tag’s content. It can either be a string, a tag or a list of strings, tags and lists.

attributesOptional[Union[str, Attributes]]

Specify an alternative attributes dict from the tag’s attributes. It can either be a string or an attributes dict.


If True, the tag will be rendered in math mode. Otherwise (default) latex text mode is assumed.


The level of the tag.


The formatted tex string.

exception disseminate.tags.toc.TocError

Bases: Exception

An error was encountered while processing a table of contents tag.

class disseminate.tags.toc.TocRef(name, content, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: disseminate.tags.ref.Ref

A Ref tag for the TOC.

This is a separate class so that the label_fmt may be different for TOC entries.

html_fmt(content=None, attributes=None, cache=None, format_func='html_fmt', method='html', level=1, **kwargs)

Convert the tag to an (x)html string or (x)html element.

contentOptional[Union[str, List[Union[str, list, Tag]]]

Specify an alternative content from the tag’s content. It can either be a string, a tag or a list of strings, tags and lists.

attributesOptional[Union[str, Attributes]]

Specify an alternative attributes dict from the tag’s attributes. It can either be a string or an attributes dict.


If specified, the cache values will be used instead of being evaluated. Possibilities: - ‘label’: types.Label - ‘documents_by_id’: Dict[str, document.Document] - ‘format_str’: str


The tag format function to use in rendering the reference tag. (ex: ‘html_fmt’ or ‘xhtml_fmt’)


The rendering method for the string. ex: ‘html’ or ‘xml’


The level of the tag.

htmlstr or html element

A string in HTML format or an HTML element (lxml.builder.E).

tex_fmt(content=None, attributes=None, mathmode=False, cache=None, level=1, **kwargs)

Format the tag in LaTeX format.


This function renders tex links to compiled pdf documents

contentOptional[Union[str, List[Union[str, list, Tag]]]

Specify an alternative content from the tag’s content. It can either be a string, a tag or a list of strings, tags and lists.

attributesOptional[Union[str, Attributes]]

Specify an alternative attributes dict from the tag’s attributes. It can either be a string or an attributes dict.


If True, the tag will be rendered in math mode. Otherwise (default) latex text mode is assumed.


If specified, the cache values will be used instead of being evaluated. Possibilities: - ‘label’: types.Label - ‘documents_by_id’: Dict[str, document.Document]


The level of the tag.


The formatted tex string.