
The command-line interface (CLI) is used to render disseminate documents and to preview rendered html documents with a built-in web server.

Disseminate is invoked on the command line through the dm command.

The disseminate main CLI includes the following help option:

  $ dm --help
  Usage: dm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Disseminate Document Processor

    --version  Show the version and exit.
    --debug    Show debugging information
    --help     Show this message and exit.

    build    Build a disseminate project
    init     Initialize a new template project
    preview  Preview documents with a local webserver
    setup    Setup and configuration options

Disseminate includes a series of sub-commands.


The init sub-command initializes and lists template projects to start a new project in disseminate.

The init help presents the following options.

  $ dm init --help

  Usage: dm init [OPTIONS] [NAMES]...

  Initialize a new template project

  -o, --out-dir DIRECTORY  the directory to create the project starter
  --info                   Show detailed information on the specified project

  -l, --list               List the available project starters
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

The list of project starter templates can be listed.

  $ dm init

  articles/basic/article1 - A basic article template
  articles/basic/essay1   - A basic essay template
  books/novel/novel1      - A novel template that includes chapters (not parts)
  books/novel/novel2      - A novel template that includes parts and chapters
  books/tufte/textbook1   - A textbook template that includes chapters (not parts)
  books/tufte/textbook2   - A textbook template that includes parts and chapters
  reports/basic/report1   - A basic report template

The template names are listed in red. Detailed information on a project starter template can be listed with the --info flag. In the following example, the detailed information for the books/tufte/textbook1 project starter template is listed.

  $ dm init books/tufte/textbook1
  Textbook #1 (books/tufte/textbook1)

    A textbook template that includes chapters (not parts)
    A textbook is typically a project with multiple documents that may include
    the following heading types:
      - @part
      - @chapter
      - @section
      - @subsection
      - @subsubsection



A new project is initialized with the init command and the template name.

  $ dm books/tufte/textbook1


The build sub-command compiles the disseminate source to the target formats.

The build help presents the following optional arguments:

  $ dm build --help
  Usage: dm build [OPTIONS]

  Build a disseminate project

    -i, --in-path PATH       the directory or file path for a project root

    -o, --out-dir DIRECTORY  the target directory for the generated output

    -p, --progress
    --help                   Show this message and exit.


The preview sub-command runs a web server on the local computer (localhost) to present the source and target format files of disseminate projects.

The web server is started as follows:

  $ dm preview
  [2020-11-13 07:59:40 -0600] [25806] [INFO] Goin' Fast @
  [2020-11-13 07:59:40 -0600] [25806] [INFO] Starting worker [25806

The preview sub-command help presents the following optional arguments:

  $ dm preview --help
  Usage: dm preview [OPTIONS]

  Preview documents with a local webserver

    -i, --in-path PATH  the directory or file path for a project root document
    -p, --port INTEGER  The port to listen to for the webserver  [default: 8899]
    --debug             Show debugging information
    --help              Show this message and exit.



Disseminate uses external software for various conversion and compilation tasks. The --check function reports whether these software dependencies are installed and available to disseminate.

  $ dm setup --check
   Checking required dependencies for 'python'                       [  PASS  ]
     Checking alternative dependencies for 'executables'             [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'python3.6'                               [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'python3.7'                               [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'python3.8'                               [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'python3.9'                               [MISSING ]
     Checking required dependencies for 'packages'                   [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'regex>=2018.11.22'                       [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'jinja2>=2.10'                            [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'lxml>=4.3.0'                             [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'python-slugify>=2.0.1'                   [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pdfCropMargins>=0.1.4'                   [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'click>=7.0'                              [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'sanic>=19.0'                             [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pygments >=2.6'                          [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pandas>=0.25'                            [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'diskcache>=4.1'                          [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pathvalidate>=2.2'                       [  PASS  ]
   Checking required dependencies for 'image external deps'          [  PASS  ]
     Checking alternative dependencies for 'executables'             [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'asy'                                     [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'convert'                                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pdf2svg'                                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'pdf-crop-margins'                        [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'rsvg-convert'                            [  PASS  ]
   Checking required dependencies for 'pdf'                          [  PASS  ]
     Checking required dependencies for 'executables'                [  PASS  ]
       Checking alternative dependencies for 'compilers'             [  PASS  ]
         Checking dependency 'pdflatex'                              [  PASS  ]
         Checking dependency 'xelatex'                               [  PASS  ]
         Checking dependency 'lualatex'                              [  PASS  ]
       Checking alternative dependencies for 'package_managers'      [  PASS  ]
         Checking dependency 'kpsewhich'                             [  PASS  ]
     Checking required dependencies for 'packages'                   [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'graphicx'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'caption'                                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'amsmath'                                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'mathtools'                               [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'bm'                                      [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'easylist'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'fancyvrb'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'hyperref'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'enumitem'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'geometry'                                [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'xcolor'                                  [  PASS  ]
     Checking alternative dependencies for 'fonts'                   [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'ecrm1200'                                [  PASS  ]
     Checking alternative dependencies for 'classes'                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'article'                                 [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'report'                                  [  PASS  ]
       Checking dependency 'tufte-book'                              [  PASS  ]


Disseminate uses signals and receivers for modular and decoupled processing of documents, tags and other objects. The list of signals and attached receivers can be listed with the following command:

   $ dm setup --list-signals
 1. tag_created
     A signal emitted when a tag is created. Receivers take a tag parameter.

     a. process_hash - A receiver to create a hash for the contents of tags.
        order: 50
     b. process_macros - A receiver for replacing macros in pre-parsed tag strings.
        order: 100
     c. process_content - A receiver to parse the contents of tags into sub-tags.
        order: 200
     d. process_typography - A receiver to parse the typography of tags.
        order: 300
     e. process_paragraphs - A receiver to parse the paragraphs of tags.
        order: 400

 2. add_file
     Add a file dependency to a target builder. Takes parameters, context,
     in_ext, target and use_cache.

     a. add_file - Add a file to the target builder.
        order: 1000

 3. document_onload
     Signal sent when a document is loaded. Receivers take a document or
     document context parameter.

     a. reset_document - Reset the context and managers for a document on load.
        order: 100
     b. load_document - Load the document text file into the document context.
        order: 200
     c. process_headers - Process header strings for entries in a context by loading
        them into the context.
        order: 1000
     d. reset_label_manager - Reset the label manager in the context on document load.
        order: 1050
     e. process_document_label - A context processor to set the document label in the
        label manager.
        order: 1100
     f. process_tags - Convert context entries into tags for entries listed the
        process_context_tags' context entry.
        order: 10000

 4. ref_label_dependencies
     A notification emitter.

     a. add_ref_labels - Find and add the labels associated with Ref tags for
        all tags in the context.
        order: 1000

 5. document_tree_updated
     Signal sent when a root document or one of its sub-documents was re-loaded.
     Takes a root document as a parameter.

     a. add_target_builders - Add target builders to a document context
        order: 2000
     b. set_navigation_labels - Set the navigation labels in the context
        of all documents in a document tree.
        order: 10000

 6. find_builder
     Given a document context and a target, find the corresponding target builder.

     a. find_builder - Find a target builder in a document context, or
        None if None was found.
        order: 1000

 7. document_created
     Signal sent after document creation. Receivers take a document parameter.

 8. document_deleted
     Signal sent before a document is deleted. Receivers take a document parameter.

     a. delete_document - Reset the context and managers for a document on
        document deletion.
        order: 100

 9. document_build
     Signal sent when a document's targets are being built to their final
     target files. Receivers take a document parameter.

     a. build - Build a document tree's targets (and subdocuments) using the target
        order: 1000

 10. document_build_needed
     Signal sent to evaluate whether a build is needed. Takes a document as
     a parameter and returns True or False

     a. build_needed - Evaluate whether any of the target builders need to be build
        order: 1000